In the modelling world, you face a lot of rejection. Especially if you're under 5'8, you're considered a petite model. Unfortunately for me, I'm 5'4 so therefore runways, (unless they're local) are a no show. Regardless, that's not what I really want to do. I want to be a print model, high fashion is my first love. That, I can do. Commercial would be my second and Catalog would be the last.
There are very few 'petite' models who have made it and I want to as Tyra Banks would say, "Represent all the shorties!"..haha.
As a wise person/photographer once told me, "The person who criticizes you to your face, is more of a friend than the person who criticizes you behind your back." It takes a lot of 'gut' to tell 'correct' someone, so I prefer to take what they have said into consideration, thank them for pointing it out to me and see how I can apply that to myself as a person as opposed to launching an attack on the person because I took it as a personal vendetta.
Reacting the part is really about accepting that you may not be what everyone is looking for and accepting that. I'm certainly not one to curse someone over the fact that I was not chosen to be their muse/canvas.
Reacting the part is also about giving the client an offer that they cannot refuse.
Making sure that you put your best foot forward and perform the best to your ability at the casting call/audition. If you want be a runway model, ensure that you practice at least for an hour a day, turn on that music and strut your heels off!
Eat, breathe and live modeling.
Whenever you're walking and there is a clear pathway, you should always take that opportunity to strut. I know I do :p
For Print models, always practice your poses and facial expressions every night. Whenever you see a mirror, practice. Every night before bed, practice. Practice makes perfect.
Remember, this not only for models but for every day living. Doesn't matter if you're a doctor, a teacher, a diver, a student or even a block of cheese, haha! React the part :)
A fashion designer once told me, "Your time will come."
I believe that time is now...
Signing out,