Monday, August 1, 2011

Excited! 01/08/2011

This is my first post and I am a tad bit excited... I'm lying, EXTREMELY excited to be blogging. 

First let me say today was a very eventful day. My 6 month old daughter, Ximena, said "dada" for the first time and sprouted her first two teeth. YAY!

I signed on my MM (ModelMayhem) account today, [] and I  honestly do believe I need to step up my 'A-Game'. My profile does not showcase my talent the way I would like it to. I'm tired of taking "pretty pictures", I want to make magic with photos, capture "eye-catching" photographs. Its what I want to do, its what I LOVE to do and I can't let my self esteem get in the way of my happiness. 

My bestie, Shakkie and I took a stroll to Praise Academy of Dance, where we signed up for Film classes. We're getting one step closer to our dream. To be able to act on the big screen, to raise my Oscar or my Academy Award in the air and say;

"We've got one, Barbados, we've finally got one!"
A girl can dream can't she? Ha ha, anyways, time to sign out. Heading to bed, MUAH!

Inspirational quote: "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what others said you could not do."


1 comment:

  1. The Buddha said: ''What we think, we become.'' Too, you've got what it takes: the brains, the looks, the talent, and the indomitable and undeniable will.
